Prof. Rod Hubbard

University of York and Vernalis Research


Rod Hubbard has been developing and using methods for analysis and exploitation of protein structure for over 40 years. His early work at York and Harvard in the 1980s was in developing some of the first methods in molecular graphics and modelling methods for proteins.  During the 1990s he helped build the Structural Biology Lab at the University of York and determined the structure of many proteins of therapeutic importance.  This was combined with studies of protein-ligand interactions and some of the first work in finding small fragments that bind to protein targets.  In 1997, he was a founding SAB member of the structure-based pharmaceutical company that became Vernalis. Since 2001, he has divided his time between Vernalis (establishing and applying structure and fragment-based methods for drug discovery) and York (developing and applying fragment-based methods to probe biological function).  More details on his York website.


Invited Speaker